Former presidential press secretary Dee Dee Myers makes second appearance at Elon – TODAY

Former Clinton Administration Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers will deliver her second of two public lectures Jan. 19 as part of her role as Elon's sixth Isabella Cannon Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership. The professorship brings nationally recognized authorities to campus to share insights about the nature, potential and responsibilities of leadership.

Jan. 19, 2010

6 p.m.
Whitley Auditorium
“Why Women Should Rule the World”

The lecture is free to the public. No tickets are required.

Myers will also spend time at Elon University School of Law on Wednesday, Jan. 20.

Dee Dee Myers was the first woman and one of the youngest individuals to serve as White House Press Secretary. During the first years of the Clinton Administration, Myers explained the actions of the new president to a vigilant press corps and to the nation. She earned the respect of both with her sharp political instincts, sense of humor and ability to explain complex subjects in straightforward language.

Since leaving the White House, Myers has worked as a political analyst, commentator and writer. She currently is a contributing editor to Vanity Fair magazine and a frequent guest on broadcast and cable television networks. An original consultant to the NBC series The West Wing, Myers contributed story lines and technical advice throughout the show’s award-winning run.

In 2008, Myers published the New York Times bestseller, Why Women Should Rule the World. She makes the case that the increasingly powerful role of women in public life is reshaping the world for the better. In an increasingly fractious world, she argues, women possess the kind of critical problem-solving skills that are urgently needed to break down barriers, build understanding and create the best conditions for peace.

Dee Dee Myers is Elon’s sixth Isabella Cannon Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership. Former visiting professors are John Alexander, William W. “Bill” George, Ben Bradlee, Christine Todd Whitman and David Gergen. The professorship brings nationally recognized authorities to campus to share insights about the nature, potential and responsibilities of leadership.

In addition to offering major public addresses, the Isabella Cannon Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership holds seminars and meets with students participating in Elon’s leadership programs. This professorship was a dream of the late Isabella Cannon ’24, who requested that her estate be used to enhance the leadership programs that are central to the Elon student experience.