Opinion column by Elon sophomore published in News and Record

Elon University sophomore Frank Stiefel had an opinion column published in the Feb. 7, 2010, Sunday edition of the News & Record in Greensboro, N.C.

From the column:

President Barack Obama has an incredible opportunity to be the first president to declare a commitment and plan to abolish the most egregious of all crimes: genocide. He should make a public commitment to making genocide prevention a priority in his upcoming National Security Strategy. Further, Obama should specifically call on the nation and world to redouble efforts to prevent atrocities and bloody war in Sudan.

Stiefel is the founder of Elon’s chapter of STAND (Students Take Action Now: Darfur), a student-led division of the Genocide Intervention Network, an advocacy group based in Washington. The Sunday editorial was his second in the newspaper since August.