David Noer column appears in (Greensboro, N.C.) News and Record

David Noer, a professor emeritus in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, had his monthly column published Feb. 14, 2010, by the News & Record in Greensboro, N.C.

David Noer

Noer used the tragedy in Haiti as a stimulus to look beyond Americans’ culturally constructed bubble of reality and comfort to understand two realities of helping relationships: (1) Help is defined by the person receiving the help, not the person giving the help; and (2) In troubled times we find out who friends are – and who they aren’t.

From the column:

“We can use Haiti as a wake-up call to the brutal realities of the world outside our predictable and relatively comfortable bubble. We need to help in any way we can. We can also learn to reach out to those inside our city and region. We can and should do both. The result will be a double win: fellow humans will be helped and we will be enriched.”

To read the full column, click on the link to the right.