Megan Squire leads open source workshop

Megan Squire, associate professor of Computing Sciences (with colleagues from Syracuse University, University of Notre Dame, and University of California, Irvine) convened an invitation-only research workshop February 10-12, 2010 at the University of California, Irvine. The Workshop on the Future of Research on Free and Open Source Software was attended by 50 researchers, and fully funded by a grant from the Computing Community Consortium, an arm of the Computing Research Association.

The objective of the workshop was to bring together a diverse audience of computer scientists and social scientists within an research workshop to explore issues, challenges and opportunities in the future of free/open source software (FOSS). The workshop focused on articulating emerging problems and questions that arise in the development, use, and evolution of FOSS systems, tools, techniques, and concepts, with the objective of arriving at a new research agenda that will become the basis for a new cross-disciplinary research program on FOSS.