David Noer management column published in News and Record

David Noer, a professor emeritus in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, had his monthly column published May 9, 2010, by the News & Record in Greensboro, N.C.

David Noer

Noer used the Guilford County Commissioners in North Carolina as an example of how not to lead in an era of downsizing. The three dysfunctional leadership behaviors he highlighted were:

1.) Not walking their talk – a gap between actions and words. Noer specifically commented on the plans for commissioners to attend a convention in Reno, Nev., at the same time they were cutting services and reducing staff.

2.) “Over managing” and “under leading,” the practice of leaders becoming excessively involved in managerial and operational decisions and not performing their primary leadership roles.

3.) Colluding to create a fragmented and dysfunctional leadership team. When viewed from the perspective of stressed employees, a dysfunctional top management team is toxic to risk taking.

The full article is now available online to read.