LSB professors propose hybrid model of educational instruction for undergrads

Wesley R. Elingburg Professor of Accounting Art Cassill and professors of management Matt Valle and Kevin O’Mara recently published the article “Pedagogy, Andragogy or Something In-Between? Effectively Structuring Undergraduate Education for the 21st Century” in the proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Business Education conference.

Dr. Matt Valle (left), Dr. Kevin O’Mara (center) and Dr. Art Cassill (right).

The paper briefly summarizes the theoretical learning perspectives embodied by the pedagogical and andragogical schools of thought, and proposes a hybrid model of educational instruction (mesogogy) for traditional business undergraduate students. It provides a list of educational practices in discrete stages to support effective learning for this cohort and describes an example of an activity that blends the pedagogical and andragogical views. Finally, a mesogogical view of undergraduate business education is presented that allows for knowledge and skill development within different learning environments and using different tools and methods of instruction.