Matthew Valle presents research at 2011 Southern Management Association Meeting

Matthew Valle, professor of management in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, recently presented a paper at the 2011 Southern Management Association meeting in Savannah, Ga.

This research looked at the growing divide between business schools and institutions that have the resources to engage in sustained levels of top-tier research and those that don’t. The manuscript goes on to describe the causes and consequences of institutional differentiation and proposes solutions to improve interactions between the two types of institutions. The manuscript, “A Tale of Two Academic Cities: The Impact of Business School Research Orientation on Management Knowledge Creation and Delivery,” was subsequently published in the proceedings of the annual meeting.


With regard to the generation of research in the management discipline, we seem to be swiftly moving toward our own tale of two cities – institutions which have the resources and strategic orientation to consistently produce top-tier, discipline-based research and drive pedagogy (the “haves”), and those without adequate resources (the “have-nots”) whose value lies solely in knowledge delivery. This paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of such a division in strategic orientation, and the subsequent impact on knowledge creation mechanisms and incentives. Suggestions for closing the gaps between the two orientations are offered.