Eighteen students inducted into Beta Alpha Psi

Eighteen students were inducted into Elon’s Lambda Xi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi on Tuesday, Feb. 7.

Beta Alpha Psi is an honorary organization for financial information students and professionals. Elon’s chapter was awarded “Gold chapter” status during the national organization’s annual conference in August 2011. It is the highest award level a chapter can receive.

Congratulations to the 2012 initiates:
JJ Evans
Elizabeth Larson
Bobby Rafferty
Spencer Ross
John Treanor
Suzanne Bell
Trevor Cummings
Devin Donnelly
Alex Lannigan
Darby Lindlaw
Andrew Malay
James Maynard II
Terence O’Malley
Joseph Perron
Robert Renner
Suzanne Scott
Staci Scott
Briana Taft