Watauga Democrat: Boone council’s closed meetings vary

From the Watauga Democrat (3/15/13): The Boone Town Council discussed more matters behind closed doors than the councils of Asheville and Elizabeth City in 2012, according to meeting minutes. But the number of Boone's closed session agenda items vary from year to year, influenced by the different town issues that arise, council members say.

March 10 to 16 is Sunshine Week, an observance dedicated to the importance of open government and freedom of information. In conjunction with Sunshine Week, Watauga Democrat this year examines the closed session meetings of the Boone Town Council.

North Carolina’s General Statutes grant several exemptions from the open meetings law, allowing government bodies to meet in closed session to discuss property acquisition, personnel issues, award selections, economic development projects, criminal misconduct and emergency responses to school violence or terrorist activity and to receive legal advice.

Public bodies must cite one of the statutory reasons above for each item on the agenda of a closed session meeting, which typically follows an open session agenda. No actions may be taken during closed sessions.

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