D.C. Chapter Open House- Oct. 30

Want to be more involved with the D.C. Alumni Chapter? Come find out how!

Wednesday, October 30th

6:30 – 7:30 p.m.


Central Library*
1015 North Quincy Street
Arlington,VA 22201

*Central Library is a short walk from the Ballston Metro station on the Orange Line. Free parking is also available.


Are you a recent graduate who’s looking for ways to stay connected with Elon through alumni activities? Or maybe you’ve been off campus for several (or many!) years and want to be more involved?


Alumni and volunteers are important to the growth of our local chapter and the success of our events. We’ll be hosting an open house to help you find the right opportunity to give back to your local chapter. Come learn about our chapter’s goals, updates on upcoming events and professional programming, and volunteer roles we’re looking to fill whether you can volunteer once a year, once a month or more!


Please RSVP to elonindc@yahoo.com.