Business Communications students attend networking dinner

Winter Term mini-grant sponsors networking dinner organized by Assistant Professor Cindy Conn.

Cindy Conn, an assistant professor of business communications, hosted a Jan. 14 networking dinner for her Winter Term Business Communications class at The Cutting Board.

From left to right: Derek Steed, Linda Weavil, Mike Gannaway and Mark Courtright
From left to right: Derek Steed, Linda Weavil, Mike Gannaway and Mark Courtright[/caption]​Nearly 20 students attended the event, along with four honorable guests Conn believed would “provide insight and advice about career issues.” These guests included Derek Steed, vice president, secretary and general counsel, Glen Raven, Inc; Linda Weavil, professor emerita; Mike Gannaway, the Love School of Business executive-in-residence; and Mark Courtright, instructor in management.

Prior to the event, students built and refined their networking skills and discussed business etiquette in class. The goal of the event was to allow students to practice the skills they’ve learned throughout the course, and to gain valuable perspectives and insights about their careers through their conversations with the aforementioned guests.

“The networking dinner was a great opportunity to execute what we had just learned in class,” said Kyle Ottaway ’17. “By putting the skills learned in the classroom into practice, the main points were cemented in my mind for future reference.”

Nicole Appleby ’16 had a similar feeling, that “it was beneficial to speak with professionals outside the office and I feel a lot more confident.” Appleby also noted that what she learned will help her with her summer internship search.

Conn received a Winter Term mini-grant from the Office of the Vice President of Student Life to help fund the networking dinner. The mini-grants, which were implemented by Resa Walsh, faculty fellow for substance education, and Whitney Gregory, director of health promotion, are intended to be used for evening or weekend activities that enhance the Winter Term academic experience.