Film screening for 'Of Many' – Oct. 29

Thursday, October 29
Unlikely Partners: Peacemaking Across Religions
McBride Gathering Space, Numen Lumen Pavilion
Screening of the film “Of Many” at 5:30 p.m.

This critically acclaimed documentary depicts the unlikely friendship between Rabbi Yehuda Sarna and Imam Khalid Latif, highlighting their friendship, their work together and their convictions about peacemaking across religions. Latif and Sarna are co-founders of the New York University Of Many Institute for Multi-faith Leadership, which seeks to inspire, educate and train the next generation of spiritual, religious and secular leaders. The filme was directed by Linda G. Mills and produced by Chelsea Clinton. Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Religion, Culture and Society; Peace and Conflict Studies; Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies.

A discussion will follow led by Anna Torres-Zeb and Meir Goldstein.