Day of the Dead Altar Open Nov. 2-5 in Carlton Commons

The Department of World Languages and Cultures would like to invite you to visit our Day of the Dead altar from Nov. 2nd-Nov. 5th in Carlton Commons found on the first floor of Carlton Building. 

The Day of the Dead “Día de los muertos” is a Mexican holiday celebrated Oct. 31-Nov. 2. During this 3-day festival, an altar is created to invite souls of the dead to come back for a visit. Common decorations include marigolds, sugar skulls, skeletons, tissue paper decorations, day of the dead bread (sweet bread decorated with bone shapes), incense, water for the soul to wash off after his/her long journey back to the world of the living and other food and objects that the person enjoyed while alive. At Elon, students in some Spanish classes are learning about the holiday and are given the opportunity to share a picture and memories of a loved one who has passed away. We would like to invite you to visit our altar in the Carlton Commons anytime during Nov. 2nd-Nov. 5th. A special thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences for the Fund for Excellence grant that helped provide the supplies to create the altar and provide this opportunity for the community. Please send questions to Prof. Ricardo Mendoza ( or Prof. April Post (