The staff members were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the university at a May 27 awards program during the annual staff day celebration.
Seven Elon university employees were honored on May 28 for their contributions to the university in the annual staff awards program held this year inside Schar Center with the theme of “Be an Adventurer!”
The Phoenix Innovation Award is presented to a member of the Elon staff who has displayed innovation by creating, designing, improving or implementing a new idea or program that benefits the university or our community. The 2022 award was presented to Dan Reis, senior instructional technologist.
The Phoenix Rising Award is presented to one newer member of the Elon staff who has consistently displayed excellence in pursuit of the Elon Commitment with an engaged mind, inspired leadership and global citizenship. The 2022 award was presented to Paul Tongsri, director of student care and outreach.
The Blanche Garrison Memorial Award, which was created in 2020, honors the contributions of hourly staff to mentoring, supporting, training, advising, supervising, coaching and befriending Elon students. It was established in memory of the late Blanche Garrison, an Elon Medallion awardee, who served the university with distinction as a housekeeper at Maynard House and was a friend to many staff, faculty and students across campus. The award was presented to Jan Register, administrative assistant for the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.
Lynne Wentz, administrative assistant for the Department of Physician Assistant Studies, was named Professional Hourly Staff Member of the Year; Alice Pinnix, custodian, was named Physical Plant Staff Member of the Year and Brad Moore, university architect and director of planning, design and construction management, was named administrative staff members of the year.
Four staff members were also recognized on stage for their retirements from the university — Tom Brinkley, executive director of the Student Professional Development Center; Carolyn Ent, director of events for the Office of the President; Beverly McQueen, assistant director of advancement services; Wayne Goke, maintenance mechanic for the Elon School of Law; and Paul Weller, senior science laboratory manager.
Two retiring staff members — Debbie Perry, program assistant for the Department of Education and Wellness & Exercise Science, and Jean Rattigan-Rohr, vice president for access and success and professor of education, were previously honored with on-stage presentations during the Faculty and Staff Awards event earlier in the month.
Other staff retiring this year include:
- Sadie Allen, custodian
- Kathy Beal, payroll administrator
- Barry Coe, community service officer
- Dwight Davis, Belk Library late-night library specialist and computer support
- Doris Davis, Belk Library interlibrary loan and reserves assistant
- Jane Deaton, special assistant to the vice president for finance and administration
- Judy Hamler, Belk Library metadata specialist
- Glenda Ireland, custodian
- Smith Jackson, assistant to the president, associate professor and vice president emeritus for student life
- Sandra Kilpatrick, Belk Library director of acquisitions
- Linda Somers, receptionist in the Athletics Department
- Troy Starnes, plumber and mechanic
- Anthony Stubblefield, floor maintenance worker
- Sue Williams, administrative assistant in the School of Law.
More information about this year’s staff retirees is available here.