Huber offered a lecture titled "Reading the Bible from the Outside: Introducing Queer Biblical Interpretation" as part of the Carpenter Initiative on Gender, Sexuality, and Justice.

Lynn R. Huber, Maude Sharpe Powell Professor of Religious Studies, offered a lecture titled “Reading the Bible from the Outside: Introducing Queer Biblical Interpretation” as part of the Carpenter Initiative on Gender, Sexuality, and Justice sponsored by Brite Divinity School and the Religious Studies department at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.
In the public lecture, Huber discussed the ways LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities engage biblical texts, including those typically described as “clobber passages” which are used to exclude queer people and experiences within some Christian traditions. She also articulated some of the reasons why LGBTQIA+ individuals should be invested in queer biblical interpretation.
In addition, Huber presented her work on queer readings of the Book of Revelation to master’s degree students in a course on Gender, Sexuality, and the New Testament. Among other things, students read portions of her forthcoming feminist commentary on Revelation which will be published by Liturgical Press in 2023.