Elon Law's Heather Scavone featured as 'Tar Heel of the Week'

The News & Observer spotlights Elon Law Professor Heather Scavone for her legal advocacy and teaching as director of the Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic.

As assistant professor of law and director of the Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic, Scavone oversees upper level law students who represent refugees, asylees, asylum seekers, parolees and victims of human trafficking with federal immigration benefits.

Under Scavone’s supervision, law students handle more than 400 cases per year. The clinic’s clients come from 47 countries to date, including Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Vietnam.

In the News & Observer article, Scavone highlights the courage that many clients of the clinic have exhibited in dangerous and volatile situations across the globe.

“You hear these narratives, and you realize how heroic some of these people are,” Scavone says. “Our advocacy is important, but it pales in comparison to the courage that these individuals have shown in the face of incredible dangers.”

The News & Observer article describes Scavone’s assessment of the value of the Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic for law students.

“She says the clinic, which started in 2010, is a perfect fit for the law students who learn from the experience and the clients who need its services,” the News & Observer article states. “Helping people escape torture and see their families again after years apart, she says, offers lessons in perspective that go well beyond the law.”

Read the News & Observer “Tar Heel of the Week” feature article about Elon Law Professor Heather Scavone here.

Learn more about a recent family reunification enabled by the legal advocacy of students in Elon Law’s Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic.

Access in-depth information about the Humanitarian Immigration Law Clinic at Elon Law here.