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Olivia Choplin compiles dossier and publishes article on Lebanese-Québécois playwright Wajdi Mouawad
December 3, 2012
After a presentation as part of a panel on Lebanese-Québécois playwright Wajdi Mouawad at the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States biennial conference in Ottawa, Canada last year, Professor Choplin was asked to compile the papers for a special dossier on Mouawad in the journal Québec Studies.
Sophie Adamson publishes articles in The Language Educator and The French Review
October 1, 2012
Sophie Adamson, associate professor of French, has published the articles "Community-based Learning: Reaching Beyond the Classroom Walls" in The Language Educator (Vol 7.2, Feb 2012) and "Plantu and Pedagogy: The Draw of Editorial Cartoons in the Classroom" in The French Review (Vol 85.5, April 2012).