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India Study Abroad Drop-In Sessions – April 15
April 11, 2014
Drop by the Global Education Center from 11 a.m. to noon or 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. to learn about semester programs in India.
Elon student secures prestigious internship in Italy
March 27, 2014
Colby Halligan '15 travels to Europe this summer as one of the youngest students ever selected for a program that gives hands-on experience in organic farming while learning a foreign language.
Elon senior and mentor publish research on intergenerational service learning
March 27, 2014
Emily Delaplane '14 conducted a study with Professor Cindy Fair of the way second grade students interacted with older adults in local retirement communities.
Cindy Fair, two young alumni publish research on HIV/AIDS issues
March 27, 2014
The professor of human service studies worked with Lauren Taylor '10 and Jamie Albright '13 on recently completed studies that have been published or presented to international audiences.
Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) Info Session – March 11
March 11, 2014
Come visit McEwen 011 at 4:15 p.m. to learn more about Global Health and Environmental Science field research opportunities abroad!
Try a free Kaplan prep class online
November 7, 2012
Interest Meeting for New Public Health Society – Oct. 2
September 25, 2012
Cindy Fair, Kristen Sullivan present research at APHA annual conference
May 1, 2012