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I Am Elon with Simone Jackson ’16

February 8, 2016

A member of Elon’s track and field team, Simone is open to making mistakes and learning from them—both on the field and in the classroom.

Abigail Santamaria ’00: Finding Joy

November 6, 2015

Abigail Santamaria’s book tells the story of the intricate life of Joy Davidman, the woman who captivated C.S. Lewis late in his life.

From the archives: A recipe for success

November 6, 2015

For decades, Elon students learned “the practical and theoretical knowledge of the principles governing cookery” as part of the home economics program.

Rising influence

November 6, 2015

Alumni across the country and around the globe are expanding the university’s influence and impact.

In tune  with the times

November 6, 2015

The addition of state-of-the-art music recording studios reflects changes in the music industry and the success of Elon students and alumni.

Undertaking the family business

November 6, 2015

As the fourth-generation owner of a Virginia funeral home, Rob Finch Jr. ’80 is a leader in an industry undergoing change as American attitudes toward faith and death evolve.

A Thoughtful leader

November 6, 2015

A fixture in North Carolina public education, Todd Wirt ’98 is not afraid to tackle challenges head-on, with compassion and determination.

Perseverance personified

November 6, 2015

Parts of Daniel Sheehan’s childhood were filled with heartbreak and hurdles that tested the human spirit. The 2015 Elon graduate has since made it a personal mission to help overcome systemic challenges similarly faced by others.