Honors Fellow receives national summer research fellowship

Elon University junior Honors Fellow Kirstie Deprey has been named a Summer Research Fellow by the American Physiological Society.

She joins 24 other students from across the country this summer for a 10-week research experience. Fellows were chosen based on academic merit and the strength of research proposals. The competitive APS program is designed to help fund undergraduates pursuing physiology-based research questions.

Deprey will conduct research with Assistant Professor Jennifer Uno in the Department of Biology. Her project focuses on investigating the communication between the intestinal microbiota, the gut and the brain. 

In addition, Deprey also receives a travel grant to allow her to attend and present her research data at the APS annual meeting (Experimental Biology), which will be held in San Diego in April 2016. Here she will present her work with other APS fellows to other experts from various universities. 

Experimental biology is a broad-based scientific meeting of five to seven diverse biological scientific societies. This multidisciplinary meeting includes studies in anatomy, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, nutrition, and pharmacology.