Paula Stephan, "How Economics Shapes Science" – April 2

Elon's Phi Beta Kappa chapter is pleased to host a presentation in LaRose Digital Theatre by the honorary's national visiting scholar. Lecture begins at 5 p.m.

Tuesday, Apr. 2
Paula Stephan, “How Economics Shapes Science”
LaRose Digital Theatre, Koury Business Center, 5 p.m.

This lecture focuses on how economics shapes science as practiced at public research institutions. It will examine how incentives and costs affect the practice of science and the role of costs in the practice of science, ranging from the multi-million-dollar cost of high-end equipment to the (not insignificant) cost of buying and maintaining mice! The lecture concludes with a discussion of how incentives and costs affect the way in which university labs are staffed, addressing the extreme dependence that has emerged in staffing labs with graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the U.S., and how the current funding environment promotes risk aversion on the part of researchers. 

This lecture is sponsored by Phi Beta Kappa and is free and open to the public.