Student, registrar present research on victims of sexual violence in higher education

Senior Leah Hayes and University Registrar Rodney Parks presented research at SACRAO on integration challenges of victims of sexual violence.

Senior Leah Hayes discusses her research with SACRAO attendees.
Leah Hayes, a senior psychology major at Elon University, presented her research at the Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (SACRAO) conference held in Raleigh, N.C., from Feb. 16-19, 2014.

The research focused on the integration challenges female students face when they transfer institutions after experiencing sexual violence. Under the guidance of University Registrar Rodney Parks, Hayes examined the effects of student campus life after experiencing sexual violence victimization. 

The research highlights the challenges of students who reverse transfer to new institutions following sexual violence and the integration challenges they face following the transfer.  By better understanding the transfer student experience coupled with the traumatic effects of their victimization, the research hopes to highlight specific response programs that could be focused for survivors of sexual violence to reduce or eliminate student displacement.