Why Elon M.Ed?

Why should you pursue a master of education at Elon? Our online M.Ed. program allows for flexibility while also providing the additional benefit of a small cohort for extra peer and faculty support and mentorship.

M.Ed faculty Heidi Hollingsworth teaching an online Elon M.Ed program courseFlexible Study

The Elon M.Ed. is an online distance education program that allows flexibility within a busy educator’s schedule. Enjoy the flexibility of studying anywhere, with the ability to leverage your studies immediately into your teaching practice to make an immediate impact in your learning community. Courses combine synchronous and asynchronous online learning formats.



A local middle school classroom project at Elon M.EdMentorship

M.Ed. faculty guide students as they conduct their action-based research projects and develop their graduate portfolios. Dedicated synchronous time within each semester fosters a true sense of community and engagement among your student educator peers.




Elon M.Ed classCohort Program

The program is designed to be completed in a cohort where students complete the same courses in the same progression together throughout their studies. Learn in a consistent and dedicated community and see the impact of the program’s theories and practices from across the globe through the diverse perspectives of your cohort.



Elon M.Ed student learning iin a classroomSmall Classes

As a teacher, you know the value of small class sizes. On average, classes in the M.Ed. program are made up of 15 students. Elon is committed to small class sizes to encourage close collaboration and careful investigation of new theories and concepts between students and faculty. You will exchange ideas with teachers from different grades, school systems, and levels of experience, with viewpoints ranging from local to distant corners of the globe.