An Unprecedented University Commitment to Diversity and Global Engagement
Continue robust efforts to make Elon a more diverse, inclusive, and culturally skilled community.
Develop key performance indicators to monitor progress on inclusive excellence goals and benchmark, when possible, against peer, aspirant, and national metrics.
Identify existing and create new intercultural development opportunities (curricular and co-curricular) and implement the Phoenix Pathways Generator to assist students in identifying courses and opportunities to enhance intercultural development.
Implement recommendations from university-wide diversity and global engagement focused efforts (e.g., Hispanic/Latino working group, Black communities presidential task force, global education external review, LGBTQIA advisory committee, first generation, and high need students) including expanded programming through the CREDE, increased Spanish-language translation at key events, and exploration of new orientation or pre-orientation experiences.
Increase participation in global experience from 80% toward 85% of graduating undergraduate students and develop “reentry” plans with academic departments and partners including the Kernodle Center, CREDE, GLC, and others.
Implement recommendations from the external consultant report on faculty and staff intercultural development.
Implement the JED Campus recommendations, integrating them with the recommendations from the Student Wellness and Well-Being work group.
Implement initiatives designed to promote civic engagement, civil discourse, and active citizenship in preparation for the November 2020 elections.
Supporting a World Class Faculty and Staff
Implement programs to support an integrated Teacher-Scholar-Mentor development model that works across the span of a faculty career and responds to the distinct challenges and opportunities of different career stages.
Execute the plan proposed by the Taskforce on Department Chairs, including recommendations to improve writing effective evaluations of teaching faculty (Unit III).
Complete report and implement recommendations on assessing and documenting effective, high quality teaching.
Design and implement web-based resources for faculty growth and development across career stages, including revamping the existing new faculty website (full-time and part-time) and developing new overarching resources that highlight supports and opportunities for professional development.
Create a plan to sustain high-quality faculty scholarship and student undergraduate research support commensurate with institutional growth.
Better support limited term and part-time faculty in their work by clarifying hiring protocols, enhancing onboarding, and continuing to develop and implement improved orientation.
Attaining the Highest Levels of Achievement across our Academic Programs
Implement new programmatic and curricular enhancements.
Continue to strengthen academic engagement during Winter Term with consideration of on and off campus opportunities and study new curricular and co-curricular Winter Term programming and opportunities for first-year students.
Develop a five-year plan for design thinking, and continue to generate, deliver, and assess opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to gain the confidence and ability to apply design thinking process, methods, and mindset to challenges.
Complete alignment of teacher licensure programs with CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) at the undergraduate level and alignment at the graduate level.
Establish a workgroup to evaluate current higher education trends related to credentials and develop recommendations regarding future possibilities for Elon, including engagement of local community members and alumni.
Support collaborations between departments and schools/college to create avenues for students to take more advanced coursework outside the school/college housing their major(s).
Collaborate with campus partners, including the Department of World Languages and Cultures, Global Education Center, and Core Curriculum, to implement recommendations from the Taskforce on Second Language Learning at Elon to enhance second language study and the application of second language skills.
Continue the Student Professional Development Center’s transition to a Career Community model.
Continue to enhance the first year experience and assess the impact of changes on student satisfaction and retention.
Develop a vision and mission statement for Elon’s first year experience and align programming, goals, and outcomes around that mission to provide students with a coherent and impactful experience.
Implement curricular changes to the Elon 101 program and plan to implement new learning outcomes and a new course number for the next iteration of the course.
Develop shared training materials or modules for peer mentors from multiple departments who work primarily with first-year students, and develop possible models for future joint training experiences.
Continue to refine the communications plan for incoming students, collaborating with Admissions and Student Life to ensure consistent messaging and a seamless transition from admissions to matriculation.
Conduct or begin accreditation self studies for the following:
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET -engineering)
American Bar Association (ABA – School of Law)
Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA – sport management)
Deepen and expand the commitment to integrative and engaged learning as hallmarks of an Elon education.
Identify ways to deepen engaged learning and to enhance and support student ability to integrate across their undergraduate and/or graduate experience.
Develop a plan for student learning assessment in the Elon Core Curriculum using the new student learning outcomes to provide actionable information on educational quality and communicates to students the integrative nature of the curriculum.
Develop a plan to support and advance high-quality, mentored undergraduate research in global contexts and away from campus during the summer.
Collaborate with Athletics to develop and implement an assessment process for Elon Experiences for student-athletes and provide reports to share with internal and external audiences.
Continue Elon’s commitment to enhancing intellectual climate, attending to the Intellectual Climate Strategic Plan’s four pillars of challenge, mentored experiences, student leadership opportunities, and community, and taking action on the 20+ items for years three and four.
Develop a three-year plan to support, increase, and enhance impact of intellectual climate activities connected to the residential campus.
Develop means to identify, replicate, and support active, committed student groups oriented around high-impact experiences.
Improve efficiency through improvements in software.
Implement Campus Labs Planning platform for annual reports, priorities, five-year plans, and student learning reports. Explore the use of Planner for other processes.
Finalize plans and implement the online administration of Student Perceptions of Teaching.
Collaborate with all academic departments and programs, Enterprise Solutions, and other units as appropriate to complete planning for the conversion to 4-digit course numbering for spring 2021.
As part of building Elon’s digital infrastructure to support faculty and faculty-student scholarship, explore the feasibility of creating an institutional repository to protect, preserve, and provide access to Elon research data and publications.
Collaborate with Information Technology on the creation of the 2020-2024 Technology Strategic Plan.
Select and plan for the implementation of a new student planner (degree audit, advisor-student communication, and student integrative reflection).
Study Elon’s model of academic advising, good practices, and challenges to the processes, systems, and approaches currently employed for academic advising at Elon.
Develop School of Law as the nation’s premiere school for experiential legal education.
Complete strategic planning process for 2019-2021 and begin process for self-study for reaccreditation visit in 2020-21.
Complete report of the 3-year longitudinal assessment of the new curriculum with funding from Access Group, and share results.
Enroll 155 students in fall 2020 (with average and median LSAT scores at least one point above those of the class entering in fall 2019).
Meet Academic Success goals for improvement in bar exam support and bar pass rate (year over year improvement in bar pass rate and attaining at least 80% bar passage rate).
Undertake comprehensive assessment of diversity, equity and inclusion practices to develop strategic plan and begin implementation to ensure inclusive practices are embedded in law school culture.
Follow through on any University strategic plan developed regarding Elon presence in Greensboro through connections with existing and developing undergraduate and graduate academic programs.
Develop an approach for aligning strategic planning across academic affairs in relation to the new university strategic plan.
Study alternative staffing models for the Core Curriculum building on collaborations with schools/colleges/departments that will facilitate programmatic enhancements, be responsive to department challenges, and facilitate expanded faculty engagement and enhanced faculty development.
Launching Strategic and Innovative Pathways in Undergraduate and Graduate Education
Continue to assess the new cohort programs for incoming students (Elon Sports Vision, Health Professions/Pre-health, Pre-law, Global Pathfinders, and Change Makers), implement programmatic changes as appropriate, and plan for possible new cohorts.
Launch accelerated pathways in health sciences.
Plan for and implement recommendations from the working group on 3.5+ programs for Physical Therapy Education and Physician Assistant Studies.
Conduct feasibility study for post-baccalaureate accelerated nursing program (BSN).
Continue to advance the goals of the Living and Learning at Elon, Residential Campus Plan.
Design and implement an assessment strategy to examine the impact of living learning communities, residentially-linked courses, and other academic-residential partnerships.
Develop a long-term proposal for outdoor spaces that serve as places for engagement to bring students, faculty, and staff together.
Explore post-baccalaureate programs, including post-baccalaureate certificate programs.
Programs targeted to liberal arts graduates but open to all students.
Combined undergraduate/graduate programs (e.g., 3+1 or other configurations) for cohorts of students which would allow them to obtain both an undergraduate and graduate degree.
Continue to enhance the integration of professional development programming more intentionally within Elon College programs.
Collaborate with Admissions to strengthen the recruitment and admission process for graduate programs.
Significantly Enhance Elon’s Campus with Premier New Academic and Residential Facilities and a Commitment to Protecting our Environment
Complete design for the following projects:
Engineering building (and begin construction)
Koury Center renovation (Pilates Studio and two classrooms)
Media Services renovation
E-Sports Center
Continue to implement a facilities renovation plan to address ongoing needs in teaching and learning spaces.