Funds for faculty stipends are awarded directly to an applicant, and will be included in one or more monthly paychecks. (This funding is considered income and is subject to taxes.)

Faculty Research & Development Summer Fellowships

  • Funding group: Faculty Research & Development Committee
  • Eligible to apply: Faculty on full-time, permanent teaching faculty contracts who have served the university for at least one full year. Eligible faculty may first apply in their second full year. (Check Professional Development in the Faculty Handbook for additional requirements)
  • Scope of funding: Faculty members are encouraged to apply for summer fellowships to conduct research or engage in a significant amount of additional study that will result in the recipient’s professional development. These fellowships are intended to support faculty members who will be conducting research during the summer months. Summer fellows cannot teach more than the equivalent of one course during the summer. Fellowships are funded in the amount of $8,875 (in June, July and August paychecks)
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Proposals due before the end of the day on November 1. Late proposals will not be received or reviewed. Decisions made by the end of the Fall term.
  • Application Form: Click here

Faculty Research & Development Hultquist Stipend Funds

  • Funding group: Faculty Research and Development Committee
  • Eligible to apply: Faculty on full-time, permanent contracts who are in their first year, only.
  • Scope of funding: Awards are given to support first-year faculty development as a stipend ($2,000) to be included in summer paychecks, June, July, and August. Applicants may also apply for additional research funding (i.e., reimbursable costs, such as travel and equipment) through FR&D at the same time.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Proposals due before the end of the day on November 1. Late proposals will not be received or reviewed. Decisions made by the end of the Fall term.
  • Application Form: Click here

New Faculty Summer Research Funds

  • Funding Group: Provost’s Office (through the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity)
  • Eligible to apply: New full-time, continuing- and tenure-track faculty during the summer after their first or second year of teaching at Elon.
  • Scope of funding: Summer supplement to faculty salary (approximately $4,800) to allow for summer research activities. Faculty may teach no more than the equivalent of one course during the summer when funding is received. Funds are added to paycheck at the end of June, July, and August.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Awards are not granted on a competitive basis. However, eligible faculty should submit to their Dean and the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity a plan for their summer research by January 30 of the year of the funding. Research plans should articulate what one plans to do, how it is aligned with their research agenda, how they will allot their time to complete the work, and what concrete outcomes are projected. A final report of summer research progress is due in the Provost’s Office by October 15 of the year in which the stipend is given.

Community-Based Learning Research Scholar

  • Funding group: Community-Based Learning Faculty Advisory Committee
  • Eligible to apply: Faculty on full-time, permanent contracts.
  • Scope of funding: The Community-Based Learning Research Scholar Program is designed to assist an individual faculty member well-versed in the pedagogies of service-learning and community engagement and who would like to explore a community-based learning research project. The faculty member selected to serve as the Community-Based Learning Research Scholar will be required to meet regularly with the Faculty Fellow for Service-Learning and Community Engagement, Phillip Motley, and produce a report on specific outcomes of the research conducted. A $1500 stipend will be awarded to the recipient.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: April
  • Additional information: Contact the Faculty Fellow for Community-Based Learning or Director of Kernodle Center for Civic Life
  • Application form: Contact Kernodle Center

Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Grants

  • Funding Group: Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
  • Eligible to apply: All faculty; full-time, permanent faculty should be lead on a collaborative proposal
  • Scope of funding: The CATL Teaching and Learning Grants support innovative, inclusive and/or research-based teaching and learning projects. Grants range from $1,000 to $5,000 and support start-up and one-time expenses (materials, stipends, professional development opportunities, and so on), but do not pay for ongoing operational costs, routine equipment, or a course reassignment.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: Applications in mid-October and mid-April of each year. decisions will be announced approximately two weeks after the application date.
  • Additional information: Contact CATL

Writing Across the University in the Center for Writing Excellence

  • Funding Group: Writing Across the University in the Center for Writing Excellence
  • Eligible to apply: For Best Practices in Writing Pedagogy Grant, faculty in full-time, ongoing positions and staff teaching writing in their programs. For Research into Writing Grant, faculty in full-time, ongoing positions.
  • Scope of funding:
    • Best Practices in Writing Pedagogy Grant (individual or collaborative). Individual: to encourage and support teaching faculty in full-time, ongoing positions who are working to pilot best practices in writing pedagogy in their classes. $1,000 stipend. Collaborative: to encourage and support faculty and staff who are working to pilot best practices in writing pedagogy in their classes and programs. $1,000 stipend for each participant, up to 5 collaborators.
    • Research into Writing Grant (offered for summer only; individual) This grant supports faculty to conduct research into writing or teaching writing in the disciplines. $3,000 stipend. Preference for the Research into Writing Grant is given to those whose scholarship, faculty position, and disciplinary background are not primarily writing studies. Assuming all writing faculty research advances knowledge in the field, and can be supported by standard faculty development funding resources, proposals from those whose primary position, disciplinary background, and scholarship are directly linked to writing studies should articulate how the proposed research uniquely supports the goals of Elon.
  • Deadlines and decision dates: For Best Practices in Writing Pedagogy grant: Applications due November 5th, for grants to be used in Spring. Applications due May 2, for grants to be used in Fall. Decisions made 1 month after due dates. For Research into Writing Grant: Applications due May 2, for grants to be used Summer. Decisions made 3 weeks after due date.