Elon live on al-Jazeera

Elon provided facilities and arrangements for David Gergen's live appearance on the al-Jazeera television network April 9. Details...

The Arab satellite television network, al-Jazeera contacted Elon to arrange Gergen’s appearance on a program related to media coverage of the war in Iraq. Gergen had just completed a question-and-answer session in Whitley auditorium and was available for the interview prior to his 6:30 appearance with Walter Cronkite.

J. McMerty, coordinator of student television, quickly made arrangements for studio space and lighting in McEwen television studio “A”. Dan Anderson, director of university relations, made arrangements for Fox 8 television to provide technical facilities, including a microwave truck and a satellite uplink. All the pieces were in place for the 15-minute broadcast, from 5:15 to 5:30 p.m. Al-Jazeera mentioned Gergen was at Elon University during the broadcast.