Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Program with William Haley

Whitley Auditorium

12:00 p.m.

William Haley, the son of Alexander Haley, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Roots, will be Elon’s Martin Luther King Jr. commemorative speaker for 2005. He will discuss how Dr. King’s efforts helped many of us make critical decisions important to our growth as individuals and as members of a society that values its moral compass. He will tailor his comments to a phrase said often by his late father, “Whenever you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you can be sure that it had help getting there,” meaning that our individual accomplishments always include the efforts of many others. Haley is President of The Alex Haley Center in Maryland and has been active as a race relations agent for over 30 years in equal opportunity training and education.

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