Elon students Bridge the Gap with A&T students

Read this note for more information about Bridge the Gap, a unique exchange program earlier this week between students from Elon and N.C. A&T State University...

Elon students participated this week in Bridge the Gap, a campus exchange with students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (A&T). On Tuesday, Oct. 26, A&T students came to Elon and met Elon students for College Coffee, a day of classes and in-depth discussion on diversity. A&T students, coming from a historically black university, had the opportunity to observe a campus and a class in which the demographics are almost opposite from their campus.

Carlos Tavaris, a junior at A&T, enjoyed College Coffee and expressed the need for a similar gathering on A&T’s campus. After classes with Elon students and lunch at Harden, students from both schools met in the Woods Center for further discussion on diversity. Some of the topics included racial humor, slurs, stereotypes and differences between A&T and Elon.

On Wednesday, Oct. 27, Elon students traveled to A&T, where they attended classes and a monthly multicultural luncheon and participated in a forum with A&T students. Elon students experienced life on a campus with 90 percent African-American students. The luncheon was an opportunity for students to talk candidly and informally about issues. Afterwards, students engaged in a lively discussion about issues such as same-sex marriage, intercultural relationships and images of beauty in different cultures. Students said they developed a new appreciation for people from different walks of life.

Senior Human Services major Valerie Budischak coordinated a student Bridge the Gap planning committee and facilitated the 2-day event.

For a complete review of the event, see this Oct. 29 Greensboro News-Record article: http://www.news-record.com/news/education/bridgegap_102904.htm