Periclean music CDs on sale in Campus Shop

Two music CDs produced by Elon’s Periclean Scholars are on sale for $10 each in Elon’s Campus Shop.

The most recent CD, “Singing Unto Life: Namibia’s Orphans Reach for the Future,” was released in Namibia on Nov. 29. The CD features the 32 voices of the Nordkamp Centre’s Youth Choir of Catholic AIDS Action. The children, who have been orphaned by AIDS, selected the songs which were then adapted by their choir leader, Nelson Jackson. The CD contains 13 songs in 5 languages, drawn from traditional hymns and folk songs.

The other music CD for sale is titled “Maturisa Ehinga,” which was recorded in Namibia.

Proceeds from the sale of both CDs will be used to help organziations that are fighting HIV/AIDS in Namibia.