A note to high school seniors scheduled to take the Jan. 22 SAT

Please read this important announcement from Elon's Office of Admissions...

We are aware that the Jan. 22 SAT test was postponed. We WILL accept the results of the Feb. 5 SAT test because these scores should be received at Elon in time for the March 15 release date. For the fastest transmission and processing, please make sure you list Elon on the form so we receive your scores electronically.

If your makeup day is Feb. 19, these scores will arrive at Elon too late for your March 15 admissions decision. We will use the highest scores you currently have on file. However, we can use these scores for scholarship consideration because we can continue to notify you of financial awards after March 15.

Because of these changed circumstances, if you now decide not to take the SAT in February, just let us know and we will use your highest scores on file.

We know this has been frustrating to you and we will work with these changed circumstances!

Please visit the College Board Web site (linked below) for details.