2007 Multicultural Gala on Friday, April 27

The Multicultural Student Council will be hosting its second annual Multicultural Gala on Friday April 27th from 3:00 to 5:00p.m. The Gala will take place in Upstairs Moseley.

The purpose of the Gala is to promote diversity on campus through providing an opportunity for Elon students, faculty, and staff to learn about different cultures by visiting culturally themed offices and rooms on the second floor of Moseley.

Offices participating this year are:

Student Government- Finland

New Student Orientation- Brazil

Kernodle Service Learning- Honduras

International Relations Club- Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Korea, China, Singapore, India, Egypt, Canada, and Cyprus.

School of Communications- Nigeria and Korea (collaboration with IRC)
El Centro- Mexico, Central America, Panama, and Spain.

Residence Life- Mayan Culture

Come and enjoy free food, from curried chicken to Brazilian coconut cookies to fried plantains, music and learn fun facts about each country.

Students will get to vote on their favorite room and be entered in a raffle to win great prizes and free t-shirts.