Incoming freshmen participate in Adventures in Leadership

Over the past two weeks, 64 incoming freshmen enjoyed a week
of hiking, camping, climbing, rappelling and white-water rafting in West
Virginia. Adventures in Leadership provided the opportunity to
develop leadership skills, understand community, work in teams and build
lasting friendships while in the great outdoors.

Before departing Elon, the students were facilitated on the
Elon Challenge Course in order to create team unity and trust, setting the
foundation for the rest of the week. Students, facilitators and faculty then
traveled to West Virginia. The group hiked Long Point Trail and Pilot Mountain
and rafted for two days on the scenic New River.

Sophomore facilitator Kristen Riggs described the experience
as “an unforgettable journey that created new friendships, lasting memories and
an opportunity to develop useful leadership skills.” Participants commented on
the friendships made and their excitement to begin their next adventure at

The week concluded with a closing banquet with highlights
from the students’ trip. Parents were able to see a video of the participants’
rafting excursion while enjoying pizza and conversation.

The group was led by Student Coordinator KC Samuelson and
facilitators Ashley Campbell, Tory Chase, Sarah Jenny, Katie Meyer, Kelly
Plante, Kristen Riggs, Hollis Theard and Cameron Williamson. Faculty and staff
participating in the experience were Mallory Anderson, Jim Barbour, Abby Dennis
and Wally Bixby.