Sign up to go Indoor Climbing with Elon Outdoors this Friday, Nov.16!

There is still time to sign up for Indoor Climbing with Elon Outdoors this Friday, Nov. 16!
Where: Tumblebees Ultimate Climbing Gym in Greensboro
When: We will depart from Elon around 5 pm and return no later than 10pm.
Why: Come to improve your skills on the climbing wall and bouldering room, or try something new if you’re a first-time climber. Either way Tumblebee’s has something to offer for every climber, from beginner to expert!
Sign ups are on a first-come-first-served basis! Don’t miss out on your chance to get out for an adventure!
To sign up, stop by the Campus Recreation front desk and put your name on the list. The deadline for sign-ups is Friday at noon. 
For any other questions/concerns, contact Kelly Harrell at