“Footprints of Africa” at College Coffee on Nov. 27

The Periclean Scholars classes of 2009 and 2010 are hosting Footprints of Africa from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1. Learn about upcoming events at our College Coffee tables. Craft items and event tee-shirts will be on sale. Informational brochures about our campaigns to build a rural health center in Kpoeta, Ghana, support a Heifer International initiative for rural development in Sokode, Ghana (where Elon’s Dr. Brian Digre is an honorary chief), and support rural development in Zambia will be available. 
If you have children’s books (K-6) to donate please bring them. Our partners, the U.S. Navy and Project Handclasp will ship the books to Ghana for free!  Information on Elon’s African Art Collection will also be available.