Festa Natalizia / Italian Club community holiday party on Dec. 18

If you’re still around campus, here’s one more opportunity to gather with colleagues as well as some of our community friends.
,Antipasti, dolci, bevande, canti, chiacchierata  … per sicuro TOMBOLA!! Alle 17:30 martedi’ 18 dicembre!

That’s right, folks, next Tuesday, Dec. 18, beginning about 5:30 p.m., please come alla piccola cucina on the first floor of Carlton Building for a festa natalizia al modo italiano!!

Bring your favorite taste treats—sweet or savory—your favorite beverages, maybe a song or two, and we’ll spend an enjoyable evening sharing our heritage and building new memories. Kathy Citrolo Gwinnett has updated her tombola game set and will be bringing it also.


And, of course, any friend is always welcome.

For further information, contact Larry Vellani at 7449 or Kathy Gwinnett (336.227.9820).

Avanti a martedi’ che viene e buone feste a tutti!