Brazil summer term interest meeting on Feb. 20 & 21

There will be a Brazil summer session interest meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20, and Thursday, Feb. 21.

Bring a book or donate a meal plan!

There will be a table in Moseley explaining the course and the service projects students will participate in while visiting a number of different cities in Brazil.

Wednesday 20th: Table will be open from 1-5 p.m.

Thursday 21st: Table will be open from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

If you have any academic or educational books that you would like to donate feel free to drop them by the desk.

A student from last year’s trip quoted her experience as the following:

The course consisted of a focus on service learning in Montes Claros,
Minas Gerais, Brazil. Before we left for the trip we did pre-course
work which entailed readings that helped to prepare us for our trip
along with language quizzes to give us a taste of Portuguese. When we
got to Brazil we worked with Instituto Laborearte and Hospital
Universitario Clemente de Faria in order to redo the playground in the
pediatrics ward of the hospital. Through these interactions we were to
become more culturally aware and sensitive.
– Jessica Piazza ‘09

Check out this website for more information!