Twenty-four students inducted into Omicron Delta Epsilon

A record number of students for Elon’s Pi Chapter wereinducted into ODE, the international honor society for economics, on Tuesday,April 1. The complete list of inductees and officers follows below.


The event took place in the Isabella Cannon Room, precededby dinner and conversation.


Requirements for ODE include successful completion of 16hours of economics courses with a minimum GPA of 3.25.


Congratulations to the 2008 ODE Inductees:

Patrick Adams

Michael E. Barg

Erick J. Brown

Daniel J. Cariello

Kathleen G. Chenot

Matthew Cohan

Timothy A. Davis

Vanessa L. Dubinsky

Elizabeth L. Evans

Thomas R. Frick

Andrew Gillette

Jeremy Kitts

Erika M. Lamanna

Harry Martin

Erica Mazzo

Meredith A. Mosko

Brandon D. Odenath

Christopher C. Payne

Gordon B. Russell

Christopher Sizemore

Margo V. Smith

Kelly Soth

John L. Washington

Matthew A. Wasno


ODE Officers:

President: Allison Price

Vice-President: Dianne Cook

President-Elect: Erika Lamanna

Vice-President-Elect: Meredith Mosko