Imagining the Internet Center Encourages Participation in One Web Day

The Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University is partnering with the Greensboro News & Record to invite people to share their personal stories in print and online about how the World Wide Web has transformed their lives.

It’s all part of the recognition of OneWebDay in September. People in the Elon community are also asked to participate.

“OneWebDay is a celebration during which people around the world plan events to promote the importance of an open, globally interoperable Internet and to just basically celebrate the connectedness and empowerment they achieve online,” said center director Janna Anderson. “We are asking people to share written accounts and/or photos and also submit video clips to YouTube tagged OneWebDay, sending us the URL. We’re asking them to tell us how their use of the Internet has made a difference to them personally or in the communities or other groups they belong to. We will compile the responses in a special package in the News & Record and those who submit predictions will have them added to the Imagining the Internet site.”

An appeal for people’s Internet stories ran in the News & Record Op Ed pages August 31. People are being encouraged to submit their Web stories before Sept. 14; they will be posted and printed in the News & Record on Sept. 21, just before OneWebDay, celebrated annually on Sept. 22.

If you would like to share your story, please send your comments (up to 300 words) to opinion@news-record with a related photo or two. Or make a video of up to two minutes, post it on YouTube with OneWebDay as the subject and send an e-mail to “opinion” to let them know about it.