Donate meal plans to Invisible Children!

Invisible Children will have meal plan swipers Sept. 15-19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will be located at the Moseley tables the whole week. We are asking for meal plan donations to give to our efforts in Northern Uganda towards ending the war in Northern Uganda and building a school to help end the child soldier recruitment.

If you would like to donate a meal plan, simply stop by our table to swipe your card. We will also be doing additional meal plan donations Oct. 9-10 before our large fundraiser, the Walkathon. 

We appreciate any donations you can give, so if you do not have meal plans, we will also have Phoenix swipers as well to take phoenix cash. As always, you can donate cash/coins/checks (checks make out to Elon University Invisible Children).

Thanks for your support!

-Invisible Children