Scott Gaylord offers analysis for Fox 8, News and Record

Two of the Triad's largest media outlets turned to Scott Gaylord, an associate professor of law and expert in constitutional law, for analysis of a defamation lawsuit filed Oct. 30 against U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Dole, R-N.C., by the candidate hoping to unseat her in the fall elections.

Fox 8 News and the (Greensboro, N.C.) News & Record sought observations from Gaylord about the precedent for such a lawsuit, and what the plaintiff, Democratic state Sen. Kay Hagan, hopes to achieve by taking to court a complaint over a controversial political ad on television.

Gaylord told reporters that the lawsuit was highly unusual and that Hagan, a public figure, would have a more difficult time than a private person in proving the political advertisement against her caused damage to her reputation and was made with malice.

To read the story in the News & Record, and to watch Gaylord’s comments to Fox 8, click on the link to the right of the page.