“Charting Your Journey” Winter Term workshop Jan. 20-21

Join us for the “Charting Your Journey” Winter Term workshop Jan. 20-21 and explore your strengths, learn how to be alert to opportunities, take measured risks, set goals, and work toward answering the age-old question: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Elon is collaborating with national leadership development company, New Mountain Ventures, and the authors of Life Entrepreneurs: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives to offer this program exclusively for Elon students. The program will teach skills to help students align their core identity with their professional and personal goals, especially in the context of their remaining years at Elon.

You will consider what you might be doing if all of your external pressures were removed, as well as what steps could be taken during your time at Elon to move further in the direction of your goals. The program is free and will begin each night with dinner at 5:00pm and conclude by 7:00pm.

If you are interested, RSVP to Brian O’Shea at boshea@elon.edu by Friday, Jan. 16.