Arabic Language Club coming to Elon

With the help of several Arabic language students and professor Shereen Elgamal, the Arabic Language Club is coming to Elon University. This organization will be open to anyone; whether you are a student currently enrolled in Arabic courses, or just someone looking to be exposed to the language at a different forum, you are invited to get involved. Regardless of your major, familiarity with the Arabic language is sure to benefit you and lead to advancement in your prospective field.   

There is an interest meeting on Monday, Feb. 23, at 4 p.m. in the El Centro kitchen (first floor Carlton). The point of the meeting is to get a list of students interested in being involved, discuss the objectives of the organization, and discuss the many activities that we have planned for the future. Delicious Middle Eastern food will be served, so come hungry!

For more information on the the Arabic Language Club, feel free to contact:

Andrew Black

Dr. Shereen Elgamal
Carlton 214

Shookran wa Ma’a salamah