From Baghdad to Burlington: Ahmed Hassan ’10 speaks in College Chapel – March 19

College Chapel
Thursday, March 19, 9:50 a.m.
Whitley Auditorium

March 19 marks the 6th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of the Republic of Iraq. As a part of our yearlong series “Oh! The Places We’ve Been…” our speaker for College Chapel this week is an Elon student who was there on March 19, 2003, and who now is part of our community. Ahmed Hassan ’10, will share some of his story of what it was like to be in Baghdad as people prepared, as leaders postured, as bombs fell, and as life deteriorated. For him, the story has led to Elon and to a world of opportunity he had only dreamed of. So on this Thursday, as we pause to consider those whose lives have been lost or unimaginably altered as result of six years of war, we also celebrate the spirit of perseverance and determination of individuals like Ahmed. 

Music by Kaitlin Fay ’11, guitarist/vocalist
For the complete Chapel Schedule for Spring 2009 click: Chapel at Elon.