Interest Meeting March 30-31 for Eno River Day Hike

Looking for something to do next Saturday that is fun and exciting? Why not join Elon Outdoors on our day hike trip to Eno River State Park on Saturday, April 4 2009. We will explore one of the most beautiful areas of the Piedmont and hopefully see some wildlife. To get more information concerning the trip departure times, transportation, and other important information, stop by our interest meetings.

Monday March 30 at 5:30pm and Tuesday March 31 at 6:00pm

Both interest meetings will be held in Koury Commons (the area between the fitness center and the pool in the gym) and sign ups for the trip will officially start Wednesday, April 1 at noon.

You can sign up for this trip at the front desk of Campus Recreation. If you have any questions, email the trip leader Bryon Houghton at or stop by the Elon Outdoors Office anytime between 2pm and 6pm. We hope to see you soon! Get Outside and Play!

Bryon Houghton