Anderson Cooper discusses journalism with School of Communications students

CNN journalist Anderson Cooper spent much of his visit to Elon meeting with students in the School of Communications, discussing the practices and ethics of journalism and the rapidly evolving technologies that are changing the way people access and use information.

During his April 7 visit, Cooper toured the School of Communications with Dean Paul Parsons and faculty and staff members. He talked with students in hallways, posed for pictures and got to see students in action in the school’s broadcast control room and studios. He said the school’s facilities are better than those at many cable news outlets where he has worked.

Cooper then stopped to talk with students in three different classes, discussing the importance of writing in broadcast journalism and answering questions about news programs that take on distinct viewpoints on news issues. Cooper says he is most interested in facts and tries not to take stands or voice opinions on issues.

Anderson Cooper talks with students in a School of Communications class.

Later in the day, Cooper held a news conference with local media outlets and student journalists. He talked about the demands he faces in producing ongoing blog and Twitter postings as well as producing his daily CNN news programs. He also talked about the budget cutbacks that are reducing the number of correspondents covering foreign news and important world issus.

Cooper encouraged students to concentrate on their writing skills, get internships and work harder than anyone else to launch their careers.


Anderson Cooper meets students in the School of Communications Broadcast Studio A.