Why Elon? Panel addresses parent questions

A diverse audience of nearly 200 parents and students gathered in McKinnon Hall on Saturday to listen to a panel discussion about why students and parents should consider Elon as their university of choice and to ask questions on “GAME DAY."

Billed as a “Gathering of Achievers: A Multicultural Experience,” the panel discussion and question-and-answer session were organized by the Admissions office.

Assistant professor Jean Rattigan-Rohr, staff member Michael Williams, and Elon students Eugene Daniel, Mayra Garcia and Priscilla Abad served on the panel, which fielded a series of questions from moderator Leon Williams, director of the Multicultural Center, and from several prospective parents.

Parents raised questions as wide ranging as, “What was there to do in Burlington, North Carolina?” to “What made the Elon learning experience special or different?”

Michael Williams provided information about the university’s efforts to provide transport for students to events such as Panthers games and the movies. Garcia noted she was from Burlington and spoke of the things her city had to offer.

Daniel and Abad responded to, among other questions, a parent’s concern about how they handled a budget. Rattigan-Rohr spoke about experiential learning at Elon and about faculty’s role in student advising.

Following the discussion, parents and students attended the tailgate cookout.

– Information submitted by Leon Williams