American Advertising Federation meeting Oct. 1

Our next meeting will be Thursday Oct. 1 at 7:45 p.m. We will be electing committee heads and designating members to those committees. The meeting will be in McEwen 002.

Membership dues are $40. Checks should be made out to AAF Elon, and should be paid before our next meeting. You can place the checks in either Allison Constable’s campus box- 3858 or Chris Adams’ campus box-3002.

For those of you who wish to be committee heads please send me an email telling me why you wish to do so.The committees are:

Ads Committee
Responsible for presenting interesting advertisements to the chapter each meeting and explaining why they work or don’t work, what is their intent, who are they targeting, etc.

Fundraising Committee
Responsible for organizing on- or off-campus fundraising events to prevent having to raise dues. Money raised is spent however the chapter wishes.

Responsible for establishing a relationship with a company in need of advertising help. This can be local or not. This person is also responsible for creating their ads and may be assisted by any member who wishes to help out.

Responsible for updating our website as needed (i.e. when new members join, we do an event, or a speaker presents to our chapter).

Questions? Contact AAF president, Allison Constable,