Sweet Signatures’ annual Acappallooza – Oct. 3

Sweet Signatures will host Acappallooza on Oct. 3.  The show starts at 7:30 p.m.  in Whitley Auditorium.  Acappallooza is a unique show in which several different a cappella groups all come together, not to compete, but to perform great music and have a good time. 

Student tickets: $5
Adult tickets: $7

In addition to Elon’s own Sweet Signatures (us), Rip_Chord, and Twisted Meause, we will be hosting:

UNC-Greensboro’s all male group, Spartones

UNC-Greensboro’s all female group, Sapphires

UNC-Wilmington’s all male group, High Seas

UNC-Chapel Hill’s all male group, Achordants

University of Maryland’s co-ed group, PandemoniUM

It’s a great line up and is going to be a great night for a cappella music!