Catholic leader to bless Newman Center – Sept. 26

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh will be at Elon University on Saturday to celebrate Mass before blessing the new home of the university’s Catholic Newman Center, now housed in the Holland House on South Campus.

The center offers students a library, meeting space and a kitchen and dining area for weekly Newman Center programs and dinners. Living quarters for three Catholic students, as well as a newly hired peer ministry coordinator, are available on the second floor of the building.

McCrary Theatre in the Center for the Arts
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Blessing of Holland House/Newman Center
Front Porch of Holland House, South Campus near Holt Chapel
7-7:30 p.m.

A bus shuttle service will carry Mass attendees from the theatre to and from the Newman Center for the blessing.

The Newman Center at Elon University is the sixth such facility supported by the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh. Newman Centers already exist at UNC Chapel Hill, Duke University, East Carolina University, UNC Wilmington and N.C. State University. Centers are named for John Henry Newman, an influential 19th century British priest and cardinal.

Twenty-two percent of Elon University students are Catholic, with about 180 students regularly taking part in Catholic Campus Ministry programs.

For more information, contact the Rev. Gerry Waterman at (336) 278-7355 or