Faculty Writing Residency – Applications due April 9th

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning and the Writing Across the Curriculum Program are pleased to sponsor the fourth annual Faculty Writing Residency, June 1st-4th, at Timberlake Farms. The Writing Residency will be facilitated by Peter Felten, Michael Strickland, and Jessie Moore.

This four day writing retreat is intended to catalyze faculty writing about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. We welcome applications from faculty writers at any stage of their writing project—from beginning ideas to completed drafts. Applicants, however, must be available for all four days to focus on their writing and be working on projects that they can further develop through the residency activities (dedicated time/space for writing and daily feedback from colleagues). Writers receive a small stipend for their participation.

Past applicants have had a 60% success rate (so far) for publishing their Writing Residency projects. Other participants are still working on their projects and have noted that the Writing Residency gave them a much-needed jump-start. Here’s more of what past-participants have said about the experience:

•? “The writing residency helped by providing me a quiet and peaceful place to draft and positive peer pressure to produce each day.”

•? “Having others around me writing… There’s a welcome kind of pressure in that.”

•? “I was astounded at how rich and helpful the feedback was – not just from the facilitator, but from each group member. My progress was so accelerated! Plus it was a good feeling to have provided valuable input to other’s work.”

Anticipated Daily Agendas (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM):
June 1: Large group introduction; Small group discussions about projects; Time for writing
June 2: Small groups meet to provide feedback; Time for writing
June 3: Small groups meet to provide feedback; Time for writing
June 4: Small groups meet to provide feedback; Large group meets to reflect on Residency

>> Download Application

If you are interested in participating, please submit a completed, one-page application (see attached form) to Jessie (jmoore28@elon.edu) by 5:00 PM on Friday, April 9th. Applications should demonstrate that the project has a clear connection to teaching/learning (SoTL), the writer is available throughout the duration of the Residency, the project would benefit from sustained attention/feedback, and the writer has a clear audience and writing/research plan. Although we anticipate that most applications will come from solo writers, collaborative pairs are welcome to apply if both writers can attend the Residency.

We will make selections and notify applicants the week of April 12th.

Please contact any of us with questions about the residency or to discuss project ideas. Our email addresses are listed below.

Peter Felten (pfelten@elon.edu)

Michael Strickland (mstrickl@elon.edu)

Jessie Moore (jmoore28@elon.edu)